Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vegetable Pancakes ala Mark Bittman

Vegetable pancakes. (Mmmmm. Just a little swoony here.)

Mark Bittman practically guaranteed that this tasty recipe will win over even the most staunch veggie hater, and after tasting them, I'm sure he's right. I bought some beautiful cauliflower at he farmer's market this weekend. I almost bought two. Dwayne cautioned me that I would be the only one eating it. For a few days, I've been contemplating the plating of this cauliflower for Dwayne's enjoyment. I know it can be meltingly delicious. Should I roast it? Mash it? Souffle it? Then I saw this recipe and knew I had hit upon the answer.
Here's the veggie selection: cauliflower, zucchini, carrot, shallot and garlic. I grated them all and mixed them with 1/2 tsp. salt and let them stand and drain for a bit.

I used the cheesecloth to squeeze out as much liquid as possible.

I squeezed out about 1/4 cup of liquid. I'm sure this would be a tasty addition to any soup stock.
Vegetable Pancakes
3 cups grated vegetables, salted and drained
1 egg
1/4 cup of flour
Oil for frying
Mix all the veggies, the egg and flour together. Adjust seasoning. I used a 4 oz. disher to drop the pancakes into the hot oil. This made six 4 oz. pancakes at about 120 calories each.
And, yes, Dwayne liked them very much.

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